Thursday, March 8, 2007

Journal #6: Chapter 6

I agreed with Primo Levi when he wrote that lunch time was almost like a heaven since the work in Auschwitz was terrible. When I worked in the Philippines and in Thailand for Habitat for Humanity, I loved the break time, too. Although I should not even attempt to compare my work in the Habitat for Humanity to Primo Levi’s work (since his situations were absolutely devastating), I could imagine what would have been like to have break time during the hard work.

I think Resnyk was a very good companion. From my experience of working with different people, I know that it is a real advantage to have good partner(s) when working in pairs or in groups. Primo Levi wrote, “[Resnyk] lifts up the sleeper by himself and rests it on my right shoulder with care…” (67) and I thought it was really nice of Resnyk :)

Memorable Quotes:
“The latrine is an oasis of peace” (68).

“Like a rapid, voracious cancer, it kills our sleep and oppresses us with a foreboding anguish…” (70).

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